Supernatural Courage and Falling Into Heaven Special - Paperback
Mickey Robinson
Autographed by Mickey Robinson Two Book Special - $23.00 Supernatural Courage: Activating Spiritual Bravery to Win Today's Battle Our world is full of fear: fear of death, public speaking, flying, drowning, failure, rejection, snakes, needles, heights, darkness, enclosed places, and countless more. Satan uses fear to steal joy, kill opportunity, and destroy hope. God has an antidote: supernatural courage. Our favorite Bible heroes achieved results greater than their natural abilities because of bravery that came only from God. Followers of Jesus throughout history have had the Holy Spirit come upon them to achieve supernatural outcomes. In Supernatural Courage, Robinson uses biblical examples, interviews, and testimonies, along with Bible promises, prayers, and activations to impart spiritual bravery for strength to live a life beyond what's normal. Falling Into Heaven: A Skydiver's Gripping Account of Heaven, Healings, and Miracles Falling into Heaven is the true story of how a young skydivers life was changed when a fiery plane crash melted his face and mutilated his body. Miraculous healing and a spiritual adventure of a new life on earth followed this near death experience. Falling into Heaven is not just about a burned man getting better. It is about a dead man coming to life!
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